Monday, January 25, 2010

home and healing

My journey home was more eventful than I would have liked it to be, but I learned a lot about patience along the way. My flight from Kolkata to Delhi went smoothly, and I landed in Delhi at 8pm on Wednesday night (India time). My flight from Delhi to Chicago was scheduled to take off at 12:55am, but it was delayed until 9:30am, and didn't actually end up taking off until after 1pm on Thursday.

The seventeen or so hours I spent in the Delhi airport weren't particularly enjoyable, but I did meet some wonderful people I would not have otherwise met. At one point, I sat with a small group of Chinese people singing worship songs in Mandarin. Although I couldn't understand a word they said except "amen," I was encouraged by their peacefulness in the midst of a crazy environment. A couple times I could tell which song they were singing by the melody, and I sang along in English. I also met Cliff and Tammy, an amazing young couple from Denver. Cliff had a fourteen-month-old Indian boy in his arms. The couple had just adopted Nikal from Kolkata and were anxious to get home. My night in the airport had been long, but I have a feeling their's felt longer. They had never been away from their three-year-old daughter who they adopted two years earlier, and they wanted nothing more than to get home to her and introduce her to her new baby brother.

After nearly 42 hours of traveling, I finally got home. Since then I have only been awake for a few hours at a time to eat, and then I've gone back to sleep. I can feel myself getting stronger and my lungs are thanking me for providing them with fresh air. I was also my doctor's first Typhoid case ever! This trip to Kolkata will be something I will never forget. And as much as I never want to leave the country again, I know that someday I will be back to India, and it will be to bring home a sweet baby to join my family. I think God's plan for this trip was merely to equip me for that one.

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